Valentine's day love poem

By Paul London

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Love on Valentine\'s day Valentine's day heart poem

This beautiful love poem is written especially with Valentine's day in mind. I hope you enjoy the valentine sentiment and have a wonderful day with your partner.

Love is compared to a number of things,
to nature, to fire and to flame.
It's oftentimes said to eternally spring
from those hearts that are set for the game.

I'm set for the game, and I'm ready to play -
I'm prepared for the passion to climb.
Love has come on and I'm ready to say
that I love you, my sweet valentine.

Valentine's day is a very special day for a lot of people. To some I imagine that it's the one time in a year where you actually stop and think about how much you "love the one you're with" (as Stephen Stills put it). You genuinely look around you and realise that life is pretty special with that person and you aren't often thankful enough. You've gotta love!

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